The Helpless Saint and the Powerless Princess: The Tale of How a Saint with No Magic Was Summoned to Save Another World

Alternative:Muryoku Seijo to Munou Oujo ~Maryoku Zero de Shoukansareta Seijo no Isekai Kyuukokuki • 無力聖女と無能王女 • 魔力ゼロで召喚された聖女の異世界救国記~
AuthorTamasaki Tama
Updated:Mar 6, 2025 - 7:21 AM
Rating: rate : 0/ 5 - 1 vote

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One day, listless part-timer Tamura Nana was summoned out of her room and into another world, after which her summoners declared her a saint and asked her to save their world. However, though she was hailed as a saint, it turned out that Nana possessed no magical power at all! To make matters worse, she was chosen as a partner by a princess who can't use magic...
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Chapter 473
Chapter 336
Chapter 243
Chapter 160

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