Devidun! Mezase Dungeon Neet Monogatari

Alternative:デビダン! 目指せダンジョンニート物語
AuthorsVersion F-Nendo.
GenresAction-Adventure-Comedy-Ecchi-Fantasy-Slice of life-Supernatural
Updated:Jul 30, 2024 - 8:07 PM
Rating: rate : 4.48/ 5 - 23 votes

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Dreams are neat, reality is harsh!? A rising dungeon story of the lower demon Jorsia, who gains status, honor, and beauty! Leave the management of the dungeon to his subordinates and live the NEET dream! Jorcia is a low-ranking demon who became a dungeon master with such an ambition. However, because the place where the important dungeon was made was a special place called "Chaotic Land", not only did a talented and extremely sadistic devil come to work as his secretary, a dark god came to visit as well, so he was busy! Furthermore, many adventurers came to attack-- !?
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Vol.1 Chapter 3: Ch 33.90k
Vol.1 Chapter 2: Ch 23.50k
Vol.1 Chapter 1: Ch. 14.10k

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