Baying Shakedown

Alternative:吠える大捜査線 ; Hoeru Daisousasen
AuthorIkumi Mia
Updated:Mar 12, 2024 - 11:03 PM
Rating: rate : 3/ 5 - 2 votes

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The story involves the main characters, from Nakayoshi airing manga at the time, visiting the home of the Nakayoshi Editor In Chief to deliver presents for his dog’s birthday. The dog is injured, however, and the girls proceed to investigate. The title seems to be a pun on 踊る, or Bayside, with 吠える replacing 踊る. In this case, I believe 吠える refers to a specific way in which some dogs howl or bark, called baying, thus phonetically parodying the original.
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Chapter 2390
Chapter 1434

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