Bokutachi Wa Asu Ni Mukatte Ikiru No Da

Alternative:僕たちは明日に向かって生きるのだ ; 我們明天生存的目標 ; Bokutachi wa Asu ni Mukatte Ikiru Noda ; Vivre pour demain (French) ; We're heading for the future ; Living for Tomorrow
AuthorZaou Taishi
Updated:Jan 20, 2016 - 2:01 PM
Rating: rate : 4.88/ 5 - 17 votes

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One day a crowd of boys rushed to Tasuku's school, claiming that he is the "Luck Goddess' Son", also asking Tasuku to get into bed with them, bringing everyone good fortune. Tasuku's very angry about it, but if he used this power he might make his best friend Oono, the lottery lover, become his. In order to test his powers, Tasuku actually begins to lure Oono...!
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Vol.1 Chapter 8 : Accepting Happiness14.40k
Vol.1 Chapter 714k
Vol.1 Chapter 614k
Vol.1 Chapter 514k
Vol.1 Chapter 413.70k
Vol.1 Chapter 314.50k
Vol.1 Chapter 215.40k
Vol.1 Chapter 117.20k

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