Everyone Else Is A Returnee
Alternative: | Last on Earth ; Trừ Tôi Tất Cả Đều Là Quy Hồi Giả ; 나 빼고 다 귀환자 |
Authors | Toy Car (토이카)-Cha Woo Min-Ki Seong Wook |
Status: | ongoing |
Genres | Action-Adventure-Comedy-Fantasy-Manhwa-Martial arts-Mystery-Shounen-Supernatural |
Updated: | Aug 10, 2023 - 9:08 PM |
View: | 25.10m |
Rating: | readmanganato.info rate : 4.64/ 5 - 1,887 votes |
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Left behind again, and again, and again.The straggler was abandoned by all of mankind due to a cloaking technique unknown even by G**."Why was I the only one left behind? Why did this happen to me?"[In the end, even after G** had devised a list of all the humans meant to be transported to another world, he could not find you. You said it was a truly phenomenal cloaking technique, right?]So I, alone since birth, began my lonesome daily life on Earth, awaiting humanity's return.
Chapter name | View | Updated |
Chapter 46 | 151.73k | |
Chapter 45 | 78.91k | |
Chapter 44 | 83.51k | |
Chapter 43 | 86.71k | |
Chapter 42 | 81.51k | |
Chapter 41 | 91.71k | |
Chapter 40 | 87.31k | |
Chapter 39 | 109.60k | |
Chapter 38 | 92.40k | |
Chapter 37 | 87.20k | |
Chapter 36 | 105.90k | |
Chapter 35 | 101.60k | |
Chapter 34 | 115.50k | |
Chapter 33 | 108.60k | |
Chapter 32 | 114.80k | |
Chapter 31 | 123.90k | |
Chapter 30 | 125.20k | |
Chapter 29 | 121.90k | |
Chapter 28 | 129.30k | |
Chapter 27 | 131.20k | |
Chapter 26 | 121.50k | |
Chapter 25 | 134.50k | |
Chapter 24 | 128.40k | |
Chapter 23 | 138.60k | |
Chapter 22 | 133.60k | |
Chapter 21 | 146.41k | |
Chapter 20 | 164.41k | |
Chapter 19 | 144.11k | |
Chapter 18 | 142.21k | |
Chapter 17 | 142.61k | |
Chapter 16 | 148.50k | |
Chapter 15 | 148.11k | |
Chapter 14 | 150.40k | |
Chapter 13 | 152.10k | |
Chapter 12 | 148.31k | |
Chapter 11 | 150.31k | |
Chapter 10 | 147.71k | |
Chapter 9 | 152.51k | |
Chapter 8 | 150.11k | |
Chapter 7 | 165.61k | |
Chapter 6 | 212.71k | |
Chapter 5 | 192.01k | |
Chapter 4 | 173.70k | |
Chapter 3 | 170.61k | |
Chapter 2 | 178.31k | |
Chapter 1 | 206.81k | |
Chapter 0.5 | 103.10k | |
Chapter 0 | 122.51k |