Kiss Me Host-Gumi

Alternative:花美男之吻 ; Kiss me ホスト組 ; Kiss Me Host Club ; Kiss Me Host Gumi ; Kiss Me Host Kumi ; Kiss Me Host-Kumi
AuthorYuuki Nachi
GenresComedy-Harem-Romance-School life-Shoujo
Updated:Jan 21, 2016 - 12:01 PM
Rating: rate : 4.56/ 5 - 9 votes

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From Nevermore Scans: I'm Anzai Mako, 15 years old. This spring I'm going to start a wonderful life at high school... or at least I was supposed to! There's a Host club of young and good-looking rich men that do such odd jobs!! Suddenly I was snatched away by their leader?!
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Vol.1 Chapter 215.50k
Vol.1 Chapter 114k

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