Gakumon! - Ookami Shoujo Wa Kujikenai

Alternative:Гакумон! Школа монстров ; Школа Монстров! Волчица не сдаётся! ; がくモン! 〜オオカミ少女はくじけない〜 ; Gakumon! School of Monsters ; School of Monsters! Wolf Girl Won't Give Up
AuthorHaruhara Robinson
GenresComedy-Fantasy-Gender bender-School life-Shounen
Updated:Feb 7, 2022 - 6:02 PM
Rating: rate : 4.61/ 5 - 28 votes

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Shushu is a girl who enrolled in a school for "wolfman candidate," but she has to keep the fact that she's a girl a secret.
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Chapter 11: Sports Festival Practice5.40k
Chapter 10: Zombie Yong-Shee3.50k
Chapter 9: Super Shushu3.60k
Chapter 8: Evil Dragon King, Dral.3.60k
Chapter 7: Physical Education Class3.80k
Chapter 6: Class Rep Rock3.50k
Chapter 5: New Students Formulary4.10k
Chapter 4: Friendship Notebook7.10k
Chapter 3 : Class 1-513.70k
Chapter 215k
Chapter 115.80k

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