Strike Witches - Kurenai No Majotachi

Alternative:ストライクウィッチーズ 紅の魔女たち ; Streghe Rosse ; Strike Witches - Red Witches
AuthorsProjekt Kagonish-Shimada Fumikane
Updated:Jan 20, 2016 - 9:01 AM
Rating: rate : 4.5/ 5 - 8 votes

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From Yuri Project: The year is 1944, around when Miyafuji Yoshika joined the 501st JFW to protect Gallia. The South European nation Romagna is launching a Neuroi counteroffensive with its 504th JFW, nicknamed The Ardor Witches. Its core is made up by the Duchy of Romagna's elite, the Red Pants Unit, but, what is soon becoming evident as the detachment is coming together, is that the members all seem to a bit peculiar, not the least of which the commander. What will destiny have in store for this group of girls...?
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Vol.1 Chapter 6 : The Two's New Post (Last Part)10k
Chapter 59k
Vol.1 Chapter 4 : Don (Last Part)8.40k
Vol.1 Chapter 3 : Don (Middle Part)8.70k
Vol.1 Chapter 29.40k
Vol.1 Chapter 1 : Call To Arms11.20k

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