Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden - Sora, Senku No Hate Ni...

AuthorChiba Tomohiro
GenresMecha-Sci fi
Updated:Jan 20, 2016 - 10:01 AM
Rating: rate : 4.64/ 5 - 11 votes

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The events chronicled in this manga are also depicted in its own campaign in the Gundam: Meguriai Sora game for Playstation 2 (released in the US as Gundam: Encounters in Space), as well as a novel by Kazuki Miyamoto. Some of the characters are seen briefly in Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles manga.
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Vol.2 Chapter 8 : End10.60k
Vol.2 Chapter 7 : Peace8.20k
Vol.2 Chapter 6 : Rare Light8.10k
Vol.1 Chapter 5 : Light Explosion7.90k
Vol.1 Chapter 4 : Lunar Surface7.80k
Vol.1 Chapter 3 : Flash7.90k
Vol.1 Chapter 2 : Cooperation8.30k
Vol.1 Chapter 1 : First Battle9.60k

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