Superpowers Are Everywhere, Did I Become The King Of The Sea?

Alternative:Did I Become the King of the Sea? ; Superpowers Are Everywhere ; Superpowers Are Everywhere, Did I Become the King of the Sea? ; 超能氾濫,我成了海王? ; 超能泛滥,我成了海王?
Updated:Sep 17, 2024 - 1:09 AM
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For unknown reasons, superpowers begin to run rampant, leading to frequent violent incidents. A boy named 'Xia Yi', who grew up in an island city, feels immense pressure. Fortunately, he also gains a powerful superpower, but this ability seems to have a bit of a "small problem"—it only has strange effects on the opposite sex. However, this does not apply to his childhood friend 'Hao Jie'...
Chapter nameViewUpdated
Chapter 54.70k
Chapter 43.50k
Chapter 34k
Chapter 24.30k
Chapter 14.60k
Chapter 0.12.70k

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