Kuzuless Oblige 18-kin ge sekai no kuzu akuyaku ni tensei shite shimatta ore wa, gensaku chishiki no chikara de dōshite mo mobu jinsei o tsukamitoritai

Alternative:Scum・less Oblige, Reborn as the Scummy Villain in an 18+ Adult Game, and I Absolutely Want to Seize the Mob Using My Knowledge of the Original Story.; クズレス・オブリージュ 18禁ゲー世界のクズ悪役に転生してしまった俺は、原作知識の力でどうしてもモブ人生をつかみ取りたい
Updated:Mar 12, 2025 - 1:30 AM

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Before I knew it, I was in a world of 18+ games with magic and erotica. In it, I was reborn as Ultos, the worst scum in history. If I continue like this, I will meet the worst possible fate. Somehow, I must be reborn from the hated character known as 'ScumUltos' into a pure and innocent mob character...!! Rise up from being the worst douchebag villain of all time!

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