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Gorgeous Charat: La Esperanza

Vol.1 Chapter 1 : [Includes Chapters 1 & 2]
  • 75.71k
  • Higuri You

Florian Rochefort – a high ranking aristocrat was sold off by his family to maintain their fortune. He was sold off to the rich, arrogant and enigmatic Ray Balzac Courland, aka Noir – the phantom thief who preys on the rich and the famous of the Parisians! Ray, or Noir as he is known to his close associates, had always been an aficionado of all things beautiful and exquisite, and the first time he saw Florian, he knew he had to have him! Florian with his shinning golden hair and amethyst eyes…it was only expected that those who love beauty would want to have him and, Ray is doing everything in his power to keep Florian tied to him for eternity. Even though Florian, Ray and the gang had been through many adventures starting from dangerously seductive Arab merchants to psychotic little girls, it seems as if they are set for yet another adventure! Join them as they embark on their latest where Ray amasses yet more stolen gems all the while finding more ways to keep Florian indebted to him for life! Of course, it goes without saying that the man with the amethyst eyes could very well be the most precious gem in Ray’s collection!



Vol.1 Chapter 2
  • 118.30k
  • Takashima Kazusa

God created angels to guard the peace in human world. Akamine Ryota is a promising senior at the angel training school, but because he lacks full control of his powers he's not allowed to graduate. Fellow students Shirogane, Aotsuka and Kurosawa are in the same predicament. Together, the four are sent to Earth - to purge the human world of evil and to finally complete their angel qualifications! (from east-27)