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Mata Ne.

Chapter 0 : [Oneshot]
  • 49.20k
  • Yamabe Sayaka

A little girl goes to a convenience store with her mother and befriends a worker.


The Willow Tree

Vol.1 Chapter 1 : Oneshot
  • 49.10k
  • Hagio Moto

Beautiful story. Very serene. It's about a woman, a tree and a man and a life passing by. This story shows that you don't always need a lot of words and that manga art can be as strong as any other style!


Anemone (Tateha)

Chapter 1
  • 49k
  • Tateha

When flower falls in love....


Hana No Shinzou

Chapter Oneshot
  • 49k
  • Suzuki Masami

A man wakes up and realizes he's become a subject in a human experiment.


Obake Life

Vol.1 Chapter 1
  • 48.80k
  • Takahashi Ichirou

A school girl who can see ghosts picks up a manga someone left on her desk. She flips open to a random page with the words "Those who read to this point in my manga will die without fail on the same day -- Hamami". It's now a race against the clock to break curse and save her own life...with the help of a friendly (?) ghost that fell in love with her at first sight.


Mimi Ga Kieta Hi

Chapter 1
  • 48.80k
  • Isuzu [Add]

Tsukino frequents the rabbit hutch ever since Mimi went missing.


Monthly Lunatic

Chapter 0
  • 48.70k
  • Hosuka

Rumours about a werewolf appearing on nights when there is a full moon quickly spread through Bato’s school. Bato suspects that his strange roommate, Kadirael is the werewolf, but Bato gets an even bigger surprise when he confronts Kadirael about his true identity.


Sayonara No Hate Ni

Vol.0 Chapter 0
  • 48.70k
  • Tsukasa Kousuke

Masaki doesn’t understand the feelings that are accumulating inside him. When he realizes them, it is too late---his best friend has moved. In the ice cold snow, he weeps and remembers his best friend’s words.


She, I, And The Red Book

Vol.0 Chapter 0
  • 48.70k
  • Kashimami

The 7th oneshot from Yuri Tengoku Anthology. [From Lililicious]: The yuri in "She, I, and the Red Book" is more subtext than maintext, but it's a nevertheless sweet story about two girls and a book with a startlingly red cover.


Love At The Fingertip

Vol.1 Chapter 0
  • 48.70k

[From Perfect Ilusions]: For her first time confessing, Riko decides to go all out--especially with her makeup! In the end she winds up humiliating herself. And worst of all, she runs into her enemy from school, Kenta. But, after finding out a secret of Kenta's, things start to change. Can her enemy actually become her savior? A story about beauty that touches beyond the surface.


Shinobeyo! Stalker

Vol.1 Chapter 6
  • 48.52k
  • Fujiwara Asahi

As a runaway ninja, Benimaru has little to no prospects in life. As he was lying in the woods, contemplating his death, a stranger approaches him and gives him back his will to live. Benimaru finds out that the man was none other than the province’s feudal lord’s son, Lord Shinosuke Kiyohisa Yamato. Putting his skills to use, Benimaru sneaks around and secretly looks after Lord Shinosuke, who may be much more clueless than he lets on…


Sakura Namiki

Chapter 4 : [End]
  • 48.50k
  • Takahashi Makoto

This manga is quite old--it's from 1957. It centers around three members of the table tennis club at an all-girl school. Though it may not quite be yuri, it's a precursor to current yuri manga.



Vol.1 Chapter 0
  • 48.40k
  • Kurogane Ken

One day, a girl was given a beautiful locket by another girl who said that it represented herself. All the girl now wants is to find the locket's creator once more, and her search leads her to Kitamoto-sensei and her Handicrafts club. However, Kitamoto-sensei seems more than reluctant to help her... [by: Anime-Planet]


Kimi Shiruya

Vol.1 Chapter 1 : 1 Kaze Kitaru - The Wind Cometh 2 Ao Fukashi - Deep Green 3 M...
  • 48.40k
  • Ishihara Satoru

From DMP: Katsuomi and Tsurugi are fierce rivals in the Japanese sport of fencing known as kendo. Their competitive egos and contrasting fighting styles clash, and yet Katsuomi gradually finds himself attracted to the keen, graceful Tsurugi. However, he hesitates to pursue his desire, fearing that doing so will surely give his foe Tsurugi the upper hand in competition. Although Katsuomi's love for his adversary soon becomes overwhelming, Tsurugi finds himself torn between reciprocating Katsuomi's love and maintaining his pride as a competitive rival. The competition intensifies into a love triangle when Tsurugi's young brother steps in to pursue the source of his brother's angst.


Turnabout Crossover

Vol.1 Chapter 2 : Edgeworth Chapter
  • 48.30k

Promotional manga based on the hit Phoenix Wright videogame series by Capcom. This fifty page manga was released along with a limited edition version of GS:YG in Japan. It features two sections, one focusing on Phoenix and one on Edgeworth, as they meet at a television studio. (Phoenix Wright isn't really the main story. They're both about the same videogame series, and I didn't know how else to connect them.)



Chapter 0 : [Oneshot]
  • 48.10k
  • Aono Shunjuu

Every night a young woman would try to end her life under the moonlight, on one night she meets a man...


Without The Sun

Chapter 0
  • 48.10k
  • Yoon Lee Hyun

From Evil Flowers: The heartbreaking story of a vampire and a blind girl falling in love, both wishing to see the sun and trying to find happiness while at it.


Blue Gray No Kutsuoto

Chapter 0 : [Oneshot]
  • 47.90k
  • Takanashi Naoto



Yume Kurai

Chapter 0
  • 47.90k
  • Saitou Ken

[Summary by: Love_Blossom] Whenever Akane falls asleep, she always dreams of talking to a boy. This boy says that he "eats" her dreams. Who is this boy?


The Canary

Chapter 0 : [Oneshot]
  • 47.90k
  • Mihara Mitsukazu

From Storm in Heaven:A short story about a Canary who was lost and her beloved who wants her back.


Semi-Eternal Happy End

Chapter Oneshot
  • 47.90k
  • Machida Shiyuu

Nanako Kobayashi, a 17-year-old teenager, has an ugly face who seems to not have a care for the world. One day, she got a call, only to be given two choices to answer a question. A devil suddenly appears, taking the form of her teddy bear. The devil is willing to grant her three wishes; each based on two options; What wishes will Nanako choose? [From Ushi]: "Once upon a time I dreamed I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of following my fancies as a butterfly, and was unconscious of my individuality as a man. Suddenly I woke, and there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man." -Chinese proverb from 3rd century B.C.



Vol.1 Chapter 1
  • 47.90k
  • Yoshimoto Yoshitomo

Harumi, is like any other typical guy, who survived a construction site accident. One day, he encounters a voice in his head, who appears to have saved him from it. Follow the daily events of Harumi and the voice in his head as Harumi goes about his life in the modern world.



Chapter 1
  • 47.90k
  • Akimoto Osamu

From Manga Updates The state of progress is one where one must look to the past in order to protect the future...but what must be done for the present? From legendary WSJ mangaka Osamu Akimoto comes a one-shot where memories are the key to understanding all: past, present and future...


Teddy Bear Satsujin Jiken

Chapter 0 : [Oneshot]
  • 47.80k
  • Nakamura Asumiko

Four murders have taken place at an all girl school. Lying beside each of the victim was a teddy bear with one missing limb. Now It is up to Detective Hebizuka Amaru and his cute assistant Kohijiri-kun to solve the mystery!